Offered by the Colangelo College of Business, the bachelors in business management degree program affords you the liberty to analytically explore different business scenarios and discuss strategies with your peers. LMU Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.Sc.) * Erlangung des „Bachelor of Science“ in 7 Semestern (3,5 Jahre) aufbauend auf den IHK-Abschluss „Industriekaufmann/frau“ in 2,5 Jahren Zur Erlangung des Titels Bachelor of Science Business Administration folgen 2 Praxis-Semester, schwerpunktmäßig mit unterschiedlichen Projekten und Aufgaben, mit anschließender Bachelor-Arbeit. Taught by industry professionals with an average of 25 years of experience, our courses integrate real-world business principles that can position you for a variety of careers. The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree program develops in each student a broad understanding of how the elements and processes of business organizations relate to one another and to the external environment. Program Outcomes Discipline-Specific Outcomes. Upon successful completion of the program, you will be awarded a bachelor of science degree. Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Bachelor of Science verfügen über fundierte Kenntnisse und ein kritisches Verständnis der wichtigsten Theorien, Prinzipien und Methoden in Business Administration. Mit dem Ausbildungsgang "Bachelor of Science International Business Administration" bieten wir Dir die Kombination aus praxisorientiertem Hochschulstudium und betrieblichen Phasen. Students are taught by distinguished interdisciplinary faculty who are experts in their fields. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This major will help you prepare for a variety of positions, and you'll have ample networking opportunities with other students. A native of Prague, Dr. Schwarz has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Manitoba, a Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Toronto, and an honorary PhD from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Beim Bachelor of Business Administration besteht diese oft aus einer praktischen Projektarbeit, bei der Du ein real existierendes marktwirtschaftliches Problem oder eine Fragestellung lösen musst. A bachelor of business administration (BBA) is an especially versatile business degree because it can generally be obtained by studying a variety of fields. The Bachelor of Business Science is a four-year Honours level degree providing for a scientifically based study of economic and management sciences, "premised on the application of quantitative methods". Der Master of Business Administration (MBA) ist ein postgraduales generalistisches Management-Studium, das alle wesentlichen Managementfunktionen abdecken soll.MBA ist auch die Bezeichnung für den durch dieses Studium erworbenen akademischen Grad.Seit ca. Build a solid business foundation. Genauso wie eine praktische App, die Dir ein zeit- und ortsunabhängiges Lernen ermöglicht. They are Finance, International Business and Marketing. Become a competitive candidate in the business world with our ACBSP-accredited Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB). Some students choose to study from a number of different subjects, while others choose to focus on a more specific aspect of business that is most interesting to them. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Degree Overview. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA): Degree Overview. The Bachelor of Business Science (BBusSci) is a four-year Honours level degree providing for a scientifically based study of economic and management sciences, "premised on the application of quantitative methods". The career-focused Bachelor of Science in business administration at University of Maryland Global Campus is designed to help you compete for the jobs of today and tomorrow by building a comprehensive base of knowledge. The degree is offered in South Africa, and elsewhere in the Commonwealth 2009 haben sich unter dem Etikett MBA zahlreiche moderate Spezialisierungen entwickelt, die auch von den Akkreditierungsagenturen … Anschließend erarbeitest Du eine umfangreiche Handlungsempfehlung oder erstellst eine schriftliche Zusammenfassung mit Deinen Projektergebnissen. Der Online-Campus mit zahlreichen Vorlesungen, Übungen und Tutorien unterstützt Dich bestmöglich bei Deinem Selbststudium. The degree is offered in South Africa, and elsewhere in the Commonwealth. Since winter term 2005/06 we have been offering the LMU Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, thus being the first of the renowned and large faculties to introduce this new degree and thereby set new study standards.

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