It premiered on 18 June 1821 at the Schauspielhaus Berlin. is an opera in three acts by Carl Maria von Weber with a libretto by Friedrich Kind. The opera premiered in Berlin on June 18, 1821. It is considered the first important German Romantic opera, especially in its national identity and stark emotionality. Der Freischütz, (German: “The Freeshooter” or “The Marksman”) Romantic opera in three acts by Carl Maria von Weber that is widely considered one of the first German masterpieces in the world of opera. Der Freischütz (usually translated as The Marksman or The Freeshooter.) Here is a synopsis of the three acts. Its German libretto by Johann Friedrich Kind is based on a story by Johann August Apel and Friedrich Laun. Album Der Freischütz. Der Freischütz: Personen Lyrics. Der Freischütz, Op.77 (Weber, Carl Maria von) Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's: 3 acts ... May 1820. in his Carl Maria von Weber in seinen werken (Thematic Worklist) and RISM gives date for the autograph of 1819–1821 (perhaps for reasons explained by Jähns) rather than to 1820. Carl Maria von Weber's 3 act opera, Der Freischutz, takes place in Bohemia during the 17th century. 1. Der Freischütz: Personen Carl Maria von Weber. OTTOKAR, regierender Graf - Bariton ... Der Freischütz Carl Maria von Weber. It debuted on June 18, 1821, at the Schauspielhaus theater now known as the Konzerthaus Berlin concert hall in Berlin, Germany.

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